The modern day religions believe words of men written millenia ago who had no sense of science or the world around them. They were ignorant to life and the universe. These are essentially the same reasons you mock believers in Zeus or Amen-Ra.
And Atheist, now I%26#039;m in your court, but with all your science and evidence which I highly support there is no definitive proof that there is NO GOD. So being of rational nature how can you definitively state that there is no God when there is truly no way of knowing?
Let the games begin.
Christians, Muslims, Atheists, lend me your ears... what makes you so sure?credit
As an agnostic, I%26#039;m not sure of anything, but I have very strong suspicions. The %26quot;God%26quot; described by most theists is a logical impossibility. The primary problem is scale: either %26quot;God%26quot; is too small to be capable of creating or managing the entire universe, or too big to be aware of the mundane experiences of individual intelligences. Secondly, the notion that life is a %26quot;test%26quot;, in which we must guess the %26quot;truth%26quot; without any trace of verfiable evidence, expecting an absolute reward or punishment that will outlast the entire duration of the universe, makes God look just a little insane. If the universe makes any sense at all (or rather, if we developed to comprehend the universe the way we do), then the posited objective and %26quot;purpose%26quot; of life is not only crazy but intolerably so. (And it makes %26quot;God%26quot; even pettier than first problem does.)
I%26#039;m not abandoning the possibility that there%26#039;s a deity of some kind, but I%26#039;m absolutely certain it doesn%26#039;t remotely match the picture theists paint.
Christians, Muslims, Atheists, lend me your ears... what makes you so sure?
Because there is no evidence supporting the existance of god, and plenty of evidence against it. Therefore there is no reason to believe that any god exists.|||The god concept is logically impossible.
How can you definitively state that there is no Flying Spaghetti Monster? The concept is absurd and there%26#039;s no proof, yes?|||The majority of atheists will not claim that they know for certain that there isn%26#039;t a God. However, there is not one single scrap of evidence showing that there is, and therefore, we are not going to believe in %26quot;God%26quot; just because someone else tells us there is one. If you moved to a new town, and the majority of the people in the town came and told you that there were invisible turtles living in your backyard, but couldn%26#039;t provide any evidence or proof, would you believe it?
As an atheist, I do not believe that there is a God. I have no reason whatsoever to believe that there is one. I do not claim that I know with 100% certainty that there *isn%26#039;t* one.|||get your own ears...|||stop trying to start arguments.....|||Yes, i do KNOW there isn%26#039;t a god. At least according to the common definition.|||read this and prove it wrong|||i%26#039;m not sure, and i never claim to be sure. i thnik that what i believe is right, for me, at this moment at time, but i reconsider my stance on it all whenever i need to, and i%26#039;m not saying i%26#039;ll think this way for the rest of my life. either way, whether you swing towards there being a God or there not being, there is an element of faith, and going out on a limb, involved. anyone who is 100% sure, and says they are, is just being foolish.|||If you or anyone else believes there is no God, that%26#039;s fine. But personally I think it%26#039;s a little silly to say there is any proof there is no God.
I believe the bible because I%26#039;ve studied it, for years. If you or someone else doesn%26#039;t believe it%26#039;s God%26#039;s word, that%26#039;s your choice.
You know, in time all things will be resolved.|||Care to prove to me that the tooth fairy doesn%26#039;t exist?
*drink*|||the is no god religions are man made to control people|||I don%26#039;t say there DEFINITELY isn%26#039;t a god just that it is highly unlikely, so unlikely in fact that i won%26#039;t expend my life adhering to its ridiculous rules.
I think you%26#039;ll find most (not all) atheists don%26#039;t claim a definite non-existence.|||but there is no definitive proof that there is god.....|||Truly, I think allot of Christians will tell you it%26#039;s feeling. I can tell you first hand that Luke 10:21 is not fiction.|||If you%26#039;re 99.9% sure does it make sense to call you an agnostic? Besides, supernatural all-powerful beings. Wouldn%26#039;t they be bleeding obvious? Yet it%26#039;s all faith, faith, faith. Like the easter bunny. And how many gods have we had? Thousands to be sure.|||Great question, and I don%26#039;t think ANYONE has this answer. We are all just going to have to find out on our last day on earth....
But, when I get to wherever, I am going to ask for the PERSON IN CHARGE!!!! lol.....|||History will tell you how the idea of gods came about. Common sense will tell you that the concept of a God or gods is impossible.|||I believe a God is highly improbable...not impossible.|||Are you agnostic? Sounds like it. Pick a side would you?|||Do you really think that this is all a game to win you over? People%26#039;s lives and destinies are at stake in the spiritual warfare, no matter how you believe. People like you turn it into a game.|||I have a standard answer for questions like this and here it is;
Look around you, my friend. Do you really believe all this started with a germ that crawled out of the sea a billion years ago. Or swung down from the tree tops and started walking upright? Only the unimaginable power of an unbelievable God could accomplish so much from so little. A clump of clay became man and the very breath you breathe was given to you by God. The beauty of a flower, the sweet aroma of the honey suckle, the music of a new born baby%26#039;s cry. How could you not believe|||?... who said I%26#039;m %26quot;absolutely sure%26quot;.. I weighed the evidence, and I stand where I think I should stand|||Welll the existence of the universe had to start somewhere. So while there is no evidence of a God, there is no evidence disproving the possibility of a God. I think religion is something each person should decide for themselves, not just believe what they are told.|||To answer your question about those who wrote the bible, they were called prophets and apostles, they recieved revelation from God. So...God spoke to them telling them what to write. So they aren%26#039;t stupid but taught by God himself, He who made science, life, the universe, and then they recorded it in the Bible. Amos 3:7|||Do not generalize all atheists as gnostics, when in reality the overwhelming majority isn%26#039;t.|||We can never be 100% sure of anything, but at least science is falsifiable. If you come up with a theory that the sky is neon yellow, this is easily falsifiable by looking up. The same is true of all our theories about the universe, experiments can be devised to test their predictions and statements. What experiment can be conducted for the presence of God? It%26#039;s an inherently untestable and unfalsifiable claim, and thus i have no reason to believe in it.|||*drink*
Since we have never met a god and can not invite one to the Morning Show to answer questions and introduce herself, we have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about what her nature would be. Would she want to be worshipped? Is she even aware of our existence? Does she have any intention of granting favors? Can she hear prayers?
Knowing absolutely nothing about a god that does exist is no better than no god.
But since we have absolutely no evidence that a god exists, we may as well file it next to Thor and the Tooth Fairy until proven otherwise.|||There is no proof that something doesnt exist. Think about that for a second. Can you prove that the tooth fairy doesnt exist?? Of course you cant, but you know the idea of it is ridiculous, right? Same with God.|||Never said I was sure - just said the claimants (believers) have failed to prove their case, and in fact generally demonstrate an appalling lack of logic. As well, the gods they invented are often demonstrably self-contradictory, thus absurd. For example, saying %26quot;Thank god for freedom%26quot; is the logical equivalent of saying %26quot;Thank Hitler for being kind to the Jews%26quot; - it makes no historical sense.|||OH sure now we are all going to have this AW!!! HAW!!
Experience and change the way we believe.
I happen to believe the bible as the written word of god and I am right and the rest of you are just wasting your time.
You are all going to die and the government is going to get rid of you as false religion. You will go on the history books as one of the great religions that are now gone.
They will laugh at how silly you were for thinking you had any relevance.
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