Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our daughter only wants cash for her birthday and wants to know if she's getting it and from wh

My stepdaughter age 12, has asked us numerous times before her birthday to give her cash for her birthday. The day of her birthday she called and said she was short money for the ipod she is buying, she than asks if we are going to give her cash and can she depend on her uncle also to do the same. Is this proper to ask what she is getting in advance?

Our daughter only wants cash for her birthday and wants to know if she%26#039;s getting it and from who?refinance

No it%26#039;s actually pretty rude. If you asked her for gift ideas and she said that she%26#039;d appreciate money for an ipod, that would be ok but it%26#039;s rude to ask for it straight out, especially several times.

Our daughter only wants cash for her birthday and wants to know if she%26#039;s getting it and from who? loan

deffineatley not|||maybe u should give her the ipod she wants|||don%26#039;t give her a dime... buy a present|||NO. She%26#039;s being rude and greedy. Tell her she needs to wait and see what she gets.|||Tell her to be patient and just be thankful that she has a family that gets her anything.

My uncle has and never will get me anything for my birthday.

Gifts are to be appreciated not expected.|||It%26#039;s not %26quot;proper,%26quot; it%26#039;s what kids do. Tell her she%26#039;ll find out what she%26#039;s getting on her birthday. I might give her $5, but I%26#039;d be buying her other actual presents and then tell her beggers can%26#039;t be choosers if she whines.|||I don%26#039;t is not a birthday is a wedding gift.............your kid your rules|||Absolutely not. A gift is just that, a gift and it is the option of the giver as to what type of present or even if a present will be given.

I suggest you buy your stepdaughter a nice birthday card and give her a job application because she needs to learn some manners. And unless you want her to continue to behave badly, don%26#039;t give her any money or buy her any gift.|||No it is not proper to inquire about gifts, they are just that - gifts and the recipient should be happy to get anything. If this was my stepdaughter, she would get no cash from myself or uncle (I would see to that) and then I would buy her something unreturnable and inexpensive and then discuss with her proper manner regarding gifts. She sounds rude and spoiled.|||Nope...that%26#039;s crass at best...poor manners for sure.|||no! rude where are her parents! i would definatly not get her cash|||Someone needs to explain to her what a %26quot;gift%26quot; is.|||no... If she wanted an i-pod, she should have asked for one for her birthday... even if it%26#039;s too much, a few people could pitch in for one... I can understand why she was asking, but it%26#039;s not really proper... It sounds like she doesn%26#039;t even really appreciate the fact she%26#039;s getting anything|||I wouldn%26#039;t tell her, but that%26#039;s just me. I%26#039;m 22, married, but no kids. If anyone asks what they are getting for a birthday or Christmas, I always make them wait. However, I know that other people do tell what they are giving. It%26#039;s your decision how you want to handle the situation. But if you don%26#039;t want to tell her, then don%26#039;t. And she shouldn%26#039;t count on future money for making a purchase, so that would be a great thing to talk to her about. If she starts doing that now, she%26#039;s almost guaranteed to have credit card debt problems later in life... Just some thoughts. :)|||No, it%26#039;s not proper, and it%26#039;s not acceptable, either. This child needs to be taught that getting anything is special, and that she doesn%26#039;t get to dictate what it is. It%26#039;s inappropriate to ask if she%26#039;ll be getting something specific, or to request cash for a present (unless someone gave her the option).|||i always ask for money for my birthday . i just turned 16 a few days ago . ppl ask me and i just tell them . Its no secret what i buy. She wont get mad .|||This is very rude. However, for her age, it is definitely not surprising. Let her know that it is not polite to ask about her gifts, and tell her she will find out what she will get when the day comes. She can wait to open the gift like everyone else does.

As for the gift, the decision of whether or not to give her cash is entirely up to you.|||She is just plain greedy and self-involved, in other words, a normal spoiled 12 yr old. I would not give her cash, that is so crass, but maybe a gift certificate to Best Buy or Wlamart so she can pick her own gift. And I would keep the amount to $25.00 NO MORE!! She%26#039;s spoiled enough as it is.|||Absolutely not.

Gifts shouldn%26#039;t be extorted from the giver. She needs to learn what %26quot;gift%26quot; means, and that one not only shouldn%26#039;t be requested, but it should be accepted with grace and appreciation.|||if you think somethings up you take her shopping or you buy the ipod|||If it were me, I would say no! I think she should try and earn the money she wants by doing chores around the house. That may be a good lesson for her to learn too. Get her a gilft from your heart. And if she complains about what you end up getting her, tell her you%26#039;ll take it back and she%26#039;ll just be getting a cake and a birthday card with your love :)|||On one side it%26#039;s great that she wants to buy the Ipod herself partially with money she has saved. However, to ask for it like that is SO rude! Maybe you should point out next time she says something that she shouldn%26#039;t assume she%26#039;s getting anything at all and if she keeps acting this way than it will be nothing indeed. I know this kind of response would have shut me up at this age. It will also point a finger at the behavior and she will hopefully learn something from it.|||if you want you can give her money... or money and other things... but really its rude of her to request it.. it should only be advised. i personally would give her 20 or less and just use the rest of the money to give her what u wanna... its a shouldnt be requested.|||If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that how she is acting is very rude. She should not %26quot;expect%26quot; ANYTHING. IF she receives a gift from someone, she should be very grateful for whatever it is. Explain to her how there are many children who do not receive one item on their birthday.

FYI - If my 7 year old receives cash for ANY gift, I let him keep a portion (like $5 out of $20) - the rest goes into his savings. I write a note on his register of who the gift was from, and for what reason (%26quot;Happy BDay from Grandma%26quot;). When she%26#039;s 20 and has her savings, then she%26#039;ll appreciate it. That is if you teach her now to be grateful.

She is the %26quot;norm%26quot; of children these days, but it doesn%26#039;t make it right.

If it was my son, I would make sure that he didn%26#039;t receive a penny this year. Gifts, okay. Money in Savings Account, okay. But I wouldn%26#039;t allow him to receive any cash.

Good luck.|||If all she wants is cash, that is fine! But to ask if %26quot;uncle%26quot; is doing the same, that is in poor taste.

Uncle will give her (if he is at the party), what Uncle wants to give her.

But as far as parents (step and natural), if daughter would like the cash, then that is fine!

That is what I always want for Xmas is just the money. That way, the person is always satisfied with that!|||She should not be asking, that is very rude of her. If I were asked such a question I would probably be very spiteful and buy her something from a clearance rack that she cannot return. I would also tell her that it is not polite to ask what she is getting for her birthday and that she should be grateful for whatever she gets.|||I just wonder where she learned that it is o.k. to expect money when she asked for it. Asking isn%26#039;t improper, but EXPECTING it is. My daughter could ask, but she knew that it was up to us if she received whatever she requested, for a gift. You and your wife will be the ones who now determine whether she can always pull the money strings by just asking for it. A gift should come from the heart of the recipient. And whatever happened to SUPRISES?|||Well it%26#039;s not the sort of thing that was acceptable in my day.

However we live in the now not the past and children like to plan and be in control.

At least she has an idea about what she would like.

I pods can be very least she hasn%26#039;t asked or expected you to buy her one only to contribute towards one.|||No, it is a bit rude - gifts are ALWAYS optional. It is not to be %26quot;expected%26quot; although that often is the case. The giver chooses what to give.

Maybe get her a book on manners/etiquette as a hint. Or perhaps she could get a job, or do chores/work to afford that ipod, like the rest of us. I had a job at that age. Babysitting pays well. Better nip this gimme attitude in the bud.|||She must just really want the ipod, I would let it slide this time and make sure that the next time around she should take what she gets and be thankful.

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